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Keep Malware at bay
with Anti-Dos advanced
malware protection.

Why Advanced Malware Protection Is Important?

Prevent Downtime and Revenue Loss

Malware can be used to launch DDoS attacks. It can render your website inaccessible, leading to lost revenue and damaged customer trust.

Win Customer Trust

Customer trust is closely tied to website security. A secure website instills confidence in customers. On the contrary, if a website is infected with malware, customers may be reluctant to engage.

Minimize The Risk of Data Breaches

Hackers can use malware to steal customer information, compromising their privacy and your reputation.

Legal Consequences

Depending on your industry, a malware infection might lead to legal ramifications for not protecting customer data adequately.

SEO Damage

Search engines may penalize your site with its advanced malware detection, impacting your online visibility.

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Currently under DDoS attack?

Get DDoS protected dedicated servers today

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DDoS Protected Dedicated Servers

With our DDoS protected servers, you get blazingly fast performance with absolute peace of mind. Now you don’t have to worry about extortionists holding you hostage by exploiting your infrastructure’s vulnerabilities.

AntiDos Lite


  • CPU: Intel E5-2670 2.60 GHZ 16 Cores / 32 Threads
  • RAM: 32GB DDR3
  • HardDisk: 240 GB SSD + 2*1 TB SATA
  • Bandwidth: 1 Gigabit Port - 20 TB
  • UDP/SYN/ICMP attack protection
  • Software Firewalls on request
  • FREE Webmin for UNIX and Linux Operating Systems
  • Malware detection and removal
  • Layer 7 DDos Protection
  • Location: US

AntiDos Lite Plus


  • CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1270v6 - 4c/ 8t - 3.8GHz
  • RAM: 32GB DDR4 ECC 2400MHz
  • HardDisk: 2x2TB HDD SATA Soft RAID
  • Bandwidth: 500Mbps unmetered
  • UDP/SYN/ICMP attack protection
  • Software Firewalls on request
  • FREE Webmin for UNIX and Linux Operating Systems
  • Malware detection and removal
  • Layer 7 DDos Protection
  • Location: Canada

AntiDos Eco


  • CPU: Intel E5-2670 2.60 GHZ 16 Cores / 32 Threads
  • RAM: 64GB DDR3
  • HardDisk: 480 GB SSD + 2*1 TB SATA
  • Bandwidth: 1 Gigabit Port - 20 TB
  • UDP/SYN/ICMP attack protection
  • Software Firewalls on request
  • FREE Webmin for UNIX and Linux Operating Systems
  • Malware detection and removal
  • Layer 7 DDos Protection
  • Location: US

AntiDos Eco Plus


  • CPU: Intel E5-2670 2.60 GHZ 16 Cores / 32 Threads
  • RAM: 96GB DDR3
  • HardDisk: 480 GB SSD + 2*1 TB SATA
  • Bandwidth: 1 Gigabit Port - 20 TB
  • UDP/SYN/ICMP attack protection
  • Software Firewalls on request
  • FREE Webmin for UNIX and Linux Operating Systems
  • Malware detection and removal
  • Layer 7 DDos Protection
  • Location: US

AntiDos Pro


  • CPU: Intel i7-6700K - 4c/ 8t - 4GHz/ 4.2GHz
  • RAM: 64GB DDR4 2133MHz
  • HardDisk: 2x2TB HDD SATA Soft RAID
  • Bandwidth: 500Mbps unmetered
  • UDP/SYN/ICMP attack protection
  • Software Firewalls on request
  • FREE Webmin for UNIX and Linux Operating Systems
  • Malware detection and removal
  • Layer 7 DDos Protection
  • Location: Canada

AntiDos Pro Plus


  • CPU: Intel E5-2670 2.60 GHZ 16 Cores / 32 Threads
  • RAM: 128GB DDR3
  • HardDisk: 480 GB SSD + 2*1 TB SATA
  • Bandwidth: 1 Gigabit Port - 20 TB
  • UDP/SYN/ICMP attack protection
  • Software Firewalls on request
  • FREE Webmin for UNIX and Linux Operating Systems
  • Malware detection and removal
  • Layer 7 DDos Protection
  • Location: US

AntiDos Enterprise


  • CPU: Intel 2x Xeon E5-2630v3 - 16c/ 32t - 2.4GHz
  • RAM: 128GB DDR4 ECC 1333MHz
  • HardDisk: 2x4TB HDD SATA Soft RAID
  • Bandwidth: 500Mbps unmetered
  • UDP/SYN/ICMP attack protection
  • Software Firewalls on request
  • FREE Webmin for UNIX and Linux Operating Systems
  • Malware detection and removal
  • Layer 7 DDos Protection
  • Location: Canada

Our Malware Defense Process

Malware Scanning

Manual scanning using advanced malware detection tools to identify malware signatures, abnormal behaviors, and security vulnerabilities.

Website Cleanup

After malware removal, we run a series of tests to confirm your website is clean. This involves scanning files, databases and plugins for remaining threats. We also check for backdoors that may allow repeat infections.

Our Comprehensive Malware Protection Services

At Anti-Dos, we provide advanced malware protection, scanning and removal services to safeguard your online presence and ensure business continuity.

Malware Analysis and Removal

Comprehensive analysis and careful removal of detected infections, ensuring website functionality while eliminating associated traces.

Vulnerability Patching

Expert-driven security enhancements, including vulnerability patching, software updates, and firewall implementation to prevent future attacks.

Continuous Monitoring and Proactive Response

Scheduled regular malware scans for continuous website monitoring. Immediate notification and rapid response to emerging threats, coupled with malware forensics to identify origins and assess impacts, ensuring ongoing website security.

Our Malware Defense Process

Malware Removal

If your website is already infected, we offer expert malware removal services. Our experienced team will eradicate the malware, ensuring your website is back to its secure state.

Continuous Monitoring

Malware doesn't sleep, and neither do we. Our continuous monitoring services keep a vigilant eye on your website 24/7, so you can focus on your business with peace of mind.

Firewall and Security Hardening

Prevention is the best cure. We provide robust firewall and security hardening measures to proactively defend your website against potential threats. We will fortify your website's defenses to withstand any attack.

Industry-Recognized Solutions

Our services are inspired by industry leaders known for their excellence in website security. We use proven techniques and technology to offer the same level of protection to your business.

Protect Your Website Today

Protect your business website from malware with our advanced malware protection services. Your online presence is a valuable asset, and we're here to ensure it stays safe and secure. Get in touch with us today to discuss your specific Malware defense needs and take the first step towards a malware-free future for your business. Your success is our priority.
Don’t Let Malware Dent Your Finances and Business Reputation Anymore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Q) Can you protect servers from DDoS attacks?
Ans) Yes, you can easily protect your dedicated server from DDoS attacks by making a few changes to your hardware configuration. You can also acquire more bandwidth but that only works for smaller attacks. For large volume attacks, you will have to invest in DDoS protected dedicated server.
2Q) Do I need DDoS protection even for my dedicated server?
Ans) Irrespective of whether you have a private server or a public server, you should definitely get DDoS protected dedicated servers. It can save your server from getting flooded and overwhelmed by malicious traffic. Due to this, your server will continue to function smoothly even if it comes under a DDoS attack.
3Q) Should I invest in a DDoS protected dedicated server?
Ans) Yes, it is better to invest in a DDoS protected dedicated server than to lose thousands of dollars to downtime caused by DDoS attacks. A DDoS protection service might charge you a fraction of what you might end up losing in case of a DDoS attack and we are not even started considering reputation damage here.
4Q) How long do DDoS attacks last?
Ans) DDoS attacks can last anywhere from 24 hours but the actual recovery can take a couple of weeks. Imagine losing hundreds of dollars a day due to downtime caused by DDoS attacks. Multiply that with the number of days and you can imagine how much financial damage a DDoS attack can do to your business. That is why it is highly recommended that you invest in DDoS protected dedicated server for added peace of mind.
5Q) How do hackers launch a DDoS attack?
Ans) Cyber attackers target devices on the network and when they successfully compromise those devices they use them as a bot to send tons of malicious traffic. Once they have enough compromised devices to send a large volume of malicious traffic to the target server, that is when they launch a DDoS attack. You can easily protect your business by investing in DDoS protected dedicated server.