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Dynamic Web Application Firewall (WAF) Security Protection with minimal false positives

AntiDos Cloud-based WAF is one of the most viable weapons in your arsenal in your defense against highly proliferate web security threats, including application layer attacks, zero-day threats, and all OWASP top 10 hazards, which threaten to wreak havoc on your security and productivity. Our service is SIEM ready, highly customizable, PCI-certified, and equipped to thwart all threats with minimal false positives.

Our WAF services automatically adapt protections to evolving threats and protected assets. Deployed at the edge of your network, AntiDos WAF can apprehend and mitigate all mistrustful traffic without affecting the availability or performance of the origin server through remediation efforts.

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Custom Web Application Firewall (WAF)

AntiDos WAF keeps a close eye on the emerging internet threats & serve as an intermediary for all the traffic arriving at your web app.
A specialized team, dedicated to your web application, maintains & updates your security
policies to fight back malicious attacks & respond to vulnerabilities.

Custom WAF


  • Real-time application security monitoring and access control
  • Full HTTP traffic logging
  • Custom rules
  • SSL support
  • Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
  • SQL Injection

How It Works?

AntiDos WAF constantly monitors the Internet for new vulnerabilities and acts as a gateway for all traffic arriving to your web application. It accomplishes this by probing all body contents and http/s request headers and applying a rich collection of application-layer firewall rules for various categories to filter out requests such as XSS attacks and SQL injections and keep out malicious users. A dedicated security team maintains and updates all the layers of security policies to guard against known attacks and respond to emerging threats. Every time one of our customers request a new custom WAF rule, we analyze whether it applies to all the domains on our network. We then automatically apply that rule to all the customers present on our network. The stronger our WAF, the more fortified our community becomes. All of our security solutions are provided as managed services, which means that they can be rapidly deployed without any software or hardware changes.

Impeccable WAF Security

Abbreviated for Web Application Firewall, WAF is around the clock available security service that ensures your application from all common attacks. If you don’t want your application to eat up valuable resources, WAF ensures that your application is security foolproof. Our WAF security service is a state-of-the-art security service which allows you to fully control traffic coming to your website. You make sure which of them are needed to be blocked and which of them are to be allowed on your website. With WAF security, you can permanently lock the doors on cross-site scripting, SQL injections and more. Are you tired of not taking real-time actions against traffic spikes? It’s time to create some new rules and deploy them. Are you too occupied to manually draft your own set of rules, we offer customized API solutions that deals with the automation of deployment, maintenance and creation of web security rules. Get more in return for all that you have paid with our remarkable WAF security service. All our pricing plans are extremely flexible, you can integrate WAF security with a CDN solution. Let’s safeguard your web servers once and for all.

Why AntiDos?

Turnkey Protection from all Threats

AntiDos enterprise-class WAF protects your Internet property from common vulnerabilities like cross-site forgery requests, cross-site scripting, remote file inclusion (RFI), and SQL injection attacks, without any changes to your existing infrastructure.

Minimal Customer friction

Unlike most threat mitigation solutions, AntiDos makes sure that your legitimate users never face any service disturbances, no matter the circumstances. AntiDos lets you operate in blocking mode, completely oblivious to all false positives.

Virtual Patching

A new security patch signals the start of a race between hackers swarming to exploit a newly announced vulnerability and IT teams rushing to close the gap. AntiDos offers you a better option. We auto-apply the patch on the edge, allowing you to update your applications on your schedule instead of patching under fire.

Complete Control

For more advanced users, AntiDos WAF service offers a level of control that is usually reserved only for public and on-premise cloud solutions. Fine-tune specific policies for each component of every application's security profile.

Develop Custom Rules

Customize your WAF security policies using a flexible scripting language with instant propagation. Rules can be configured as per your unique security needs based on geo-data, number of requests, client type, URL slug, and IP reputation among other signals. A simple-to-use GUI makes it a hassle-free process to configure rules.

Managed Service

Deploy from a private or public cloud — fully managed by AntiDos. With AntiDos, there are no databases to maintain, no software to install, and no servers to provision. AntiDos takes the responsibility off your hands, so that you can rest easy knowing that the security of your web applications rests in the hands of a dedicated team of security experts.

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