7 Key Takeaways From Cybersecurity Events of 2022 You Should Keep An Eye On Even In 2023

7 Key Takeaways From Cybersecurity Events of 2022 You Should Keep An Eye On Even In 2023

Cybersecurity is evolving at a fast pace. New cybersecurity threats emerge on a weekly basis and cybersecurity professionals have to stay abreast of the latest tools and technologies in order to defend their business critical assets from cybercriminals. One of the best ways of keeping themselves one step ahead of cyberattackers is to attend cybersecurity events such as conferences and seminars as well as study cybersecurity attacks and data breaches closely.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and dependent on technology, cybersecurity continues to be a critical concern. In 2022, several major events have shed light on the state of cybersecurity and highlighted key takeaways for businesses and individuals alike.

In this article, you will learn about seven key takeaways from cybersecurity events in 2023 that you cannot afford to ignore even in 2023.

7 Key Takeaways From Cybersecurity Events of 2022

Here are seven key takeaways from cybersecurity events of 2022 you don’t want to forget even in 2023.

Frequency and Complexity of Cyberattacks Are Growing

Cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and frequent. One of the major themes from cybersecurity events in 2022 was the growing sophistication and frequency of cyberattacks. Hackers are using increasingly advanced techniques to infiltrate systems and steal sensitive data, and these attacks are happening more frequently.

Cyber Attack Rise 328%

This means that businesses and individuals need to be more vigilant about protecting their online assets and data. Ransomware attacks are the best example in this regard. Yes, the number of ransomware attacks targeting businesses are not as high as they used to be but they are more dangerous than ever before. They are now targeting critical infrastructures such as grid stations and are becoming increasingly difficult to detect and prevent.

Cybersecurity Training Is More Important Than Ever Before.

The expanding enterprise attack surface is opening doors for cyberattackers. The growing number of devices, users, accounts, platforms and tools are leaving enterprises at the mercy of cyberattackers. As a result, you will find attackers trying to hit the least protected entity and use it as a ladder to reach more secure critical assets.

Just think of the dozens of IoT devices that haven’t been in use for quite some time or the lack of control you have over devices your remote workers are using. They can become a soft target for these attackers. In light of the growing threat of cyberattacks, it’s becoming clear that cybersecurity training is more important than ever.

Cybersecurity Training Is Essential

At the 2022 Cybersecurity Summit, experts have emphasized the need for individuals and businesses to invest in training to help them identify and defend against potential threats. This can include things like regular training on how to spot phishing emails and other scams, as well as learning about the best practices for securing online accounts and devices.

Government Role Is Evolving

Another key takeaway from the 2022 cybersecurity events was the changing role of governments. With cyberattacks becoming more frequent and sophisticated, there is a growing consensus that governments need to step up their game to protect their citizens and businesses from these threats. This can include things like providing cybersecurity training and resources, as well as working with the private sector to develop and implement effective cybersecurity measures.

Growing Number of IoT Devices Is a Security Risk

The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) has introduced a new set of challenges for cybersecurity. As more and more devices are connected to the internet, there are more opportunities for hackers to gain access to sensitive data and systems. This means that businesses and individuals need to be extra cautious about securing their IoT devices, and be aware of the potential risks associated with these types of devices.

There is no denying the fact that IoT has its advantages but just like every other technology, it comes with its fair share of downsides. Unfortunately, one of them is security. The lack of security protocols and security protection for these devices makes them more vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks. The worst part is that threat actors don’t have to work hard to gain access to these devices especially if they are out of sight or unattended for a long time.

Growing Number of IoT Devices Is a Security Risk

Once they do gain access to these devices, they try to use them as a springboard to spread malware to other parts of the network. The more insecure IoT devices you have, the easier it is for hackers to launch a dangerous cybersecurity attack which can put your business continuity on the line.

Encryption Still Works

Encryption has always been an important part of cybersecurity, but in 2022 it has taken on even greater significance. With the rise of ransomware and other forms of cyber attacks, businesses and individuals are increasingly relying on encryption to protect their sensitive data. This has led to a greater focus on the development and implementation of advanced encryption technologies.

Focus More On Cybersecurity Education

One of the biggest challenges facing the cybersecurity industry is the lack of qualified professionals. In order to address this shortage, there has been a greater emphasis on cybersecurity education in recent years. This has included the development of new training programs and the introduction of educational initiatives aimed at encouraging more people to pursue careers in the field.

Artificial Intelligence Will Change Cybersecurity Forever

Artificial intelligence is a game changer for many industries and has changed the way we used to do things. Cybersecurity is no exception. With both cybersecurity professionals and cyberattackers leveraging AI tools, we could see a huge shift in cybersecurity in 2023. It will come down to who has the more sophisticated tools or who can use the automation better to achieve their goal. The days of manual tasks performed by security professionals are numbered.

AI in Cybersecurity

Which is the most valuable lesson you learned by attending cybersecurity events of 2022? Share it with us in the comments section below.

Sarmad Hasan

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